The development of the sports industry and sport’s growing political and economic role in society have brought direct changes to and expansion of sports law. Sports law as an independent branch of law has seen dynamic development in recent years and has become an increasing presence in lawyers’ sphere of work. Such development is inherently linked to so-called traditional areas of law, such as contract law, tax law, labour law, and tort law. Sport’s specific position within the social and legal order has had a major impact on the development of this particularly specialized legal area. This special position is the product of the autonomous status of individual sports organizations that have their own rules that directly affect individual entities and their rights in relation to others.
Our law firm offers legal counsel and representation to athletes, sports clubs, and other sports entities.
Expert in the field of sports law:
Our offices are located in the city center of Ljubljana. The direct proximity of all important judicial, administrative and other institutions enables us to effectively enforce the interests of our clients.
Odvetniška družba Podjed, Kahne in partnerji o.p. – d.o.o.
Štefanova ulica 13A
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija