Primer pomembnega opozorila ali obvestila za stranke.

Expert legal advice together with dynamic, responsive, and adaptive services constitute the driving principles behind our work. We are convinced that these are absolutely decisive in ensuring the satisfaction of our clients. Most importantly, we are aware that in today’s business world, as well as in personal matters, providing our clients with practical and direct legal solutions is of vital importance.

We work to offer clients a broad range of legal services required by commercial entities in order to facilitate unhindered business operations, as well as those needed by natural persons in order to effectively address their personal concerns.

Within two decades we created a dedicated team of highly qualified legal experts offering precise, reliable, and adaptive solutions driven by our clients’ many specific needs and requirements. We are particularly proud of our specialisations in commercial and penal law.

Depending on the needs of the client, we work in collaboration with skilled external advisors in the required fields of specialization (accounting, customs and tax issues, and market research, among others). Furthermore, in order to effect cross-border mandates, we work with a broad network of eminent affiliated law firms in the region.
Our offices are located in the city center of Ljubljana. The direct proximity of all important judicial, administrative and other institutions enables us to effectively enforce the interests of our clients.
Odvetniška družba Podjed, Kahne in partnerji o.p. – d.o.o.
Štefanova ulica 13A
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija